In citizen science, citizens send data to scientists, in our case through, the Mosquito Alert application. We also often conduct surveys to find out people’s opinions or habits. You may also want to focus your research on this, so we will need an expert too!
Find the following information on the internet:
- The use of the Mosquito Alert App and its features; available operating systems, languages, presence of tutorials, etc.
- The data that can be sent with the App and which information is requested in each case.
- The aspects to take into account to elaborate a good survey and how to know if the results are reliable.
- Everything you need to take into account to take a good photo of a mosquito.
We recommend that you take notes in a notebook and make sure that the sites you get the information from are trustworthy.
Here are some links that may help you:
- Download websited for the App
- Application Guide (Source: Mosquito Alert)
- News about Mosquito Alert application on Dutch News (Source: Dutch News)
- What does the application allow us to do? (Source: Mosquito Alert)
- How to notify bites in the application (Source: Mosquito Alert)
- Mosquito Alert Photographic Guide (Old App) (Source: Mosquito Alert)
- Surveys design and getting closer to the truth: